
Welcome and thank you for sharing your work with us!

How it works:

Submission reviews and editing are overseen by our editorial team of master students from the MA in PR and Digital Marketing and MA in Digital Journalism programmes (see About Us section for more info on the editorial team).

If you have a piece that you want to publish, please submit it in the first week of the month. Once it is reviewed, accepted and edited, our aim is to publish it in the first week of the following month (i.e., a month turnaround time for publications).

The submissions will be reviewed by the editorial board, and will be chosen based on relevance and quality.

But contributors please don’t worry, the aim of this blog site is to give everyone a fair chance of sharing their work with their peers. 

While this is a student blog run by HMKW PRDM and DJ master students, we welcome posts from all HMKW students, alumni and teaching staff.

We urge contributors to submit posts based on pieces or projects that they have done recently for classes, as we know a lot of work goes into them. But we also welcome work done in your free time outside of the university.

The piece, along with the title, category of your work, and class & professors (for class work) should be sent to our email address:

Good luck,

Your Editorial Team